


i’m not a chef and i’m not a blogger. but i love to cook, i love to eat, and i have a blog.

the point of incredible crunchy flavor is to show you that you don’t have to be a chef or even a cook to make tasty, easy, healthy food. you don’t even have to know what you’re doing, or read recipes at all. it’s just about using your noggin, throwing things together that taste good, and experimenting with them. and it’s not like i get it right everytime, either. far from it.

every now and then, i’ll use a recipe or take on a challenge and make something fancy, but that doesn’t mean i cook like that all the time.

so email me if you have questions, ideas, concerns, failures, successes or challenges you want me to take on at incrediblecrunchyflavor at gmail dot com follow icf on twitter or repin me on pinterest.

  1. a.k.p. i’m so excited you started a blog! loved that nyt salads article. watermelon n’ feta? yes, please.

  2. The way your commentary runs reminds me VERY much of the Pioneer Woman Blog (which I really really love, very very much). Are you famililar with it? If not you should definitely check it out…she also has fantastic recipes – I haven’t had a failure from her yet, and I’ve tried out a bunch…..http://thepioneerwoman.com/

  3. Very nice blog! I just had some of your mum’s delicious chocolate glazed pecan torte. You’ll be getting pictures soon I’m sure. You might enjoy Inverbrooke Farm’s blog http://www.inverbrook.blogspot.com . This is a CSA farm near me, so it is about gardening, food and life.

  4. Hey Cousin, Alexis and I will start practicing ASAP for your blog’s first ever world famous guest couples blog posting! Ciao Love, CHWB

  5. Hey Katinka,
    My mom is Susy Ellis and she mentioned that you live out in the DC area. I’m looking at an internship site there and was wondering if you could suggest certain areas of the city to look for apartments in and which areas to stay away from? Also what are some of the fun things to do in the area? (touristy or young adult types)? haha and i love biscotti so i’m going to have to try those chocolate lemon biscotti you posted about :).

    Thanks so much,

  6. I think you need to update your picture…watermelon is sooooooooolast season!

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